[About us] Unsere Motivation liegt darin, dass wir nicht einfach nur digitale Produkte bauen, die schön anzusehen sind. Wir möchten mit unserer Leistung Einfluss auf die erfolgreiche Entwicklung unserer Kunden nehmen und Mehrwert erzeugen. Unser Motto lautet hierbei: "Business over Tech"
Unsere Kundenfälle
1 Projekte, realisiert von HACKERBAY
Skype (Microsoft) - Developer Platform
Skype is the world’s leading peer-to-peer messaging platform with over 3 billion minutes of conversations taking place daily, all over the world. The number of people using Skype regularly is already extremely high, but what the company is planning for in the future takes them in a new direction, and is an arguably more ambitious project than they’ve undertaken thus far. Skype is in the process of enabling every single developer across the globe to participate in an operation to improve and transform the product, by building bots and integrating them into the app. To make sure that we were delivering the most accessible and user-centric experience, the Hackerbay design and product teams ran user interviews with developers to see if the platform was fulfilling expectations. We had very positive feedback during the entire development process, with specific emphasis on the importance of mobile and tablet compatibility. The challenges that we faced were mostly focused on enhancing the user experience beyond any other developer platform that was already on the market, or that was being built by competitors. Desirable aesthetics are usually underrated in regard to software-building platforms, as functionality takes precedence. We didn’t want to compromise on either, so we curated a design that was complementary to that of Skype’s existing one, as well as in line with their branding standards.
Industry Experience
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