Mermaid Studios

Our Philosophy

At Mermaid Studios we believe that in order to develop innovative solutions you need to combine great technology with its viability and desirability for which the user needs to be in the center of the process.
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  • 6-10 EMPLOYEES
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Mobile / AppsDesignOnline MarketingDigital Transformation & InnovationIt Services / ServiceWeb / Internet

[About us] We are a User Experience Studio based in Berlin. We want to simplify people's lives by building digital products based on human needs. We help you conceptualize, design, develop and roll out innovative digital products at a scale that create true value for you and your customers. By combining research, ux design and agile working methods we ensure that our products meet the users needs.

Unsere Kundenfälle

1 Projekte, realisiert von Mermaid Studios

Groupify - Online Shopping 2.0


Have you ever found yourself in a WhatsApp or Instagram group with your besties, including 938278723 messages about new sneakers, cosmetics, guitars, etc.? How many abandoned groups do you have, which were solely created for shopping purposes? Well... there is an app for that! With Groupify online shoppers now have the possibility to be more social whilst sitting on their couch surfing the newest styles and also getting discounts. But as only a little percentage of human-beings share unfamiliar links with their friends without batting an eye, the goal of our Groupify project was to enter the walls and increase the number of "Link-Shares." Goals: 01/ Increasing the number of link-shares. 📤 02/ Increasing the number of users on Groupify. 📊 03/ Motivating user to come back and use the product again. 📲


We reached out to the target group of the app and did usability tests where participants had to complete basic tasks such as sharing the link, give feedback, and unlock the discount. Based on the test results, we came up with a list of things that can cause problems. The problems included both design and technical issues that users faced while using Groupify. 01/ It's unclear for users how to unlock the discount. 🤷 02/ The possibility to create more groups on the same website was missing. 💬 03/ Confusing flow of the web-app. 🤔 04/ Users lacked motivation as there was no immediate benefit. 🛍


The most important goal of this project was to increase the number of users that add their friends to get the discount. It seems like an easy task, but it was the hardest part, as we needed to motivate people to give this new concept a try. To remove the barriers between users and our solution, we designed a new version. To increase the motivation in the first step we created a clear and easy on-boarding process that highlights the benefit of getting a discount when using Groupify. Furthermore, we applied gamification elements by visualising the progress of achievements in hopes of further engaging users to unlock their goal, but also to make the whole concept of Groupify more understandable. The new Groupify Version exceeded the forecasted achievements of link-shares by 12 times. We achieved that by using familiar concepts like game patterns to make the new concept tangible and motivate users to give it a try. By conducting user testings and setting up design criteria since the beginning of the process we could constantly check that we are going in the right direction.

Unsere Kunden, sie vertrauen uns

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seit 2019

Website Design for Conichi: We re-designed the website by changing the information architecture according to conichi’s three target groups. To make the new website visually appealing we designed smooth animations for transitions and integrated custom illustrations. The website is designed in a way that the user is able to find relevant information in the fastest way possible while supporting lead generation.

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seit 2019 We re-designed the webiste by reducing the content density and redefining the information architecture. To create a better user experience and help users to find what they search for seamlessly we reduced the information overload from 250 pages to 50 pages. We developed a new information structure based on the variety of products & services HessenForst offers and applied a modern visual design.

Industry Experience

AviationRaw MaterialsPublic FacilitiesE-CommerceHealthSustainabilityStartupsTourism


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