[Über Uns] We are a dynamic and award-winning design studio. Young but seasoned by experience; passionate and driven by design in all its facets. Our focus is delivering unique results aimed at breaking new ground. Design is about shaping – the look, the emotion, the experience, the business. We work with medium- to large-sized companies as well as with promising start-ups from all around the world. Our clients & references include: Airtame, BMW, Cheil, Deutsche Telekom, Evalu, Siemens, Toposens etc. Partner: Together with BatchOne GmbH we help hardware startups to develop, manufacture and sell breakthrough products by offering hands-on support, access to capital, technical resources as well as the knowledge and experience of our industry partners.
Kontaktdaten von PHOSPHOR GBR
Ridlerstraße 31B, 80339 München
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