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Livon Group

B2B & B2C-Spezialist
2-5 Mitarbeiter
2019 gegründet

Unsere Philosophie

We are not a conventional agency, our broad collaboration makes us fast, flexible and inspiring. Driven by creativity, analog and digital knowledge as well as innovative ideas, we strive for peak performance.

Über Uns

At Livon Group we design holistic systems for our clients.
We are an innovation consultancy which partners with forward-thinking CEOs and their leadership teams on the hardest problems associated with growing their businesses, anticipating and navigating disruptive change, and staying leaders in their industries.
Focus on the future growth strategy, resources and the organization required to create the next version of their companies.

Specialties: Brand building and positioning, integrated marketing, thought leadership and content development, digital strategy, e/m/a-commerce, external communications, marketing communications, management consulting, change management, jobs-to-be-done.

We enjoy helping companies find their entrepreneurial spirit using innovation and growth strategy. Value add is increasing with digital capability.

Livon Group is in the trenches with entrepreneurs, reviewing business models, delivering thought leadership and advice, and selectively providing consulting services to businesses.

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